Excessive hair growth causes anguish and embarrassment for women. This condition is known as hirsutism, it occurs when the hair follicles are sensitive to excess secretion of a male hormone called androgen. Women suffering from this condition often face additional psychological problems such as low self-esteem and depression. So why do women secrete excess androgen, which is essentially a male hormone but can cause excess hair growth in women?
Hormonal changes
Excess secretion of androgen in women can be caused by many factors. Excess weight and stress are main contributors that upset hormone levels in the body. Take simple measures to curb weight and fight stress to bring your hormone levels back to normal. However, make sure that the hormonal changes are brought about by these factors only. Sometimes, pregnancy, irregular periods and menopause also upset hormone levels and bring about excessive facial hair growth.
Other factors
Certain medications such as steroids and hormone pills also cause excessive growth of unwanted facial hair. Avoid the use of steroids, testosterone replacement therapies unless you find the benefits of these treatments outweigh their side effects. Many women notice excess hair growth on the upper lip and chin due to polycystic ovarian syndrome which occurs during their reproductive period.
Methods to remove facial hair
There are several methods to remove facial hair. Waxing and threading are the 2 most popular methods for women who wish to remove facial hair from the upper lip and chin. Some women also use tweezers to remove facial hair on their eyebrows, upper lip and chin. However, these methods are temporary and the hair returns in a few weeks. Many women are now using hair inhibitors like Ultra Hair Away to inhibit hair growth and stop hair growth for good.
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